
Video excerpts and full length performaces

Video quality

Many of the video excerpts and concerts were recorded with the Waltham Symphony Orchestra from 2008 to 2017. They are for the most part in HD. For space and bandwidth reasons, some of them were downsampled, especially those directly hosted. Many High Definition videos are accessible on YouTube and are directly linked from this web site. Although other videos from previous years are available, they were recorded at a time when the analog tape recordings were commonly used. Some will be provided for legacy purpose, atlhough their quality has greatly degraded over time.


The performances on video encompass many periods and styles, As indicated, some are full-length performances, others are exceerpts.


Although, there was not a lot of rehearsal material available since 2016, some footage from the period 2008-2015 is included here. It is mostly footage recorded during dress rehearsals, some of it was recorded from the audience.

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Links to Videos on YouTube

YouTube links: symphony and chamber music concerts, piano improvisations